My Marriage Plans

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Standard of Love

"GOD IS LOVE. God, affectionately known through His Son Jesus Christ, is where all love begins. And in all of our efforts to conceptualize His greatness, it is impossible for any of us to fully understand how deep and wide His love really is. Even now, I fall short of just giving you an idea of God's vast love since it is truly indescribable. In the purest sense, of all the things we think He wants from us, what He wants most is for us to love Him with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our minds (Matthew 22:37-38 HCSB).

Until you know Him, your quest to find true love will be a series of trial-and-error-type events that will begin to deplete your optimism over time. It is challenging to identify something if you don't already know what it looks like. Contrary to what people may say, love is not subject to the interpretation of individuals. We don't have to guess or wonder, "Is this love?" There is a standard. If it doesn't resemble God's love for us, then we can rest assured that an upgrade is on the way."

Excerpt from chapter one, Before He Finds You.